LAP: Change of Existing Mineral Lease Holder or Operator

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Metis Settlements Act

119 The Land Access Panel may, without a hearing, amend a compensation order or right of entry order, regardless of who made it, with respect to a person named in it

a) when the Panel is satisfied that there has been a change of existing mineral lease holder or operator...

*Name / Company Name:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
*Postal Code:
*Contact Person:
Change Requested
Type of Application(s)
Assignment of Interest Transfer Agreement
Certificate of Amalgamation
Certificate of Amendment (name change)
Other (please describe)
description (optional)

Alberta Energy, Mineral Agreement Number(s):
Required Documentation
Copy of agreement, certificate and supporting documentation.
List of right of entry and/or compensation orders affected.
Evidence must be submitted that the contractual obligations - including notice to or approval of occupants if so required - for assigning, selling or disposing of the interests have been met. Also attach any surface leases, access or development agreements, covering lands granted under the right of entry orders.

Authorized Signature

Print, sign, attach required documents, and mail original to the following:

9th Floor, Forestry Building
9920 - 108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4

Phone: 1-800-661-8864 or 780-422-1541
Fax: 780-422-0019