LAP: Termination of Right of Entry Order

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Metis Settlements Act, s. 120

  1. On application to it the Land Access Panel may
    1. terminate or amend a right of entry order made by it or the Existing Leases Land Access Panel if the Land Access Panel is satisfied that
      1. an existing mineral lease holder or operator is not using the right of entry order, or
      2. there is a good reason to terminate or amend the order,
    2. if the application is by an existing mineral lease holder for additional surface access or amendment of a right of entry order, grant, terminate or amend a right of entry order as required.
  2. No decision can be made under subsection(1) without an inquiry into the matter, and a hearing if the existing mineral lease holder or operator so requests.
  3. No decision may be made to terminate a right of entry order to which Part 6 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act applies unless a reclamation certificate has been issued in respect of the land to which the order relates.
Termination of Right of Entry Order
*Order #:
*Name / Company Name:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
*Postal Code:
*Contact Person:
Nature of Application
Type of Application(s)
Supporting Documents
Reclamation Certificate, with a certified copy of a plan clearly showing (i.e. colored or outlined) the part to be terminated
Certificate Number
No reclamation certificate - parties have entered into surface lease and have requested termination.
No reclamation certificate - specified land acquired or expropriated by government or by a local authority.
By-law Number
No reclamation certificate - no surface disturbance, operator has not exercised any rights under the right of entry order.
Provide detailed explanation and attach to application.
Not using right of entry order, or good reason to terminate
Provide detailed explanation and attach to application.
*  Would like an inquiry into the matter, and a hearing?
Required Documentation
Reclamation Certificate, agreement(s) and/or supporting documentation.
Authorized Signature

Print, sign, attach required documents, and mail original to the following:

9th Floor, Forestry Building
9920 - 108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4

Phone: 1-800-661-8864 or 780-422-1541
Fax: 780-422-0019