MSAT - Metis Settlement Appeal Tribunal


MSAT Archived Decisions


  • Order_No.207.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Stewart Cunningham, Appellant, and
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent, and
    Metis Settlements General Council, and
    Metis Settlements Land Registry, Other Parties

  • Order_No.206.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Becky Mearon, Appellant, and
    Elmer Anderson, and
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondents

  • Order_No.205.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Wayne Cardinal, Appellant, and
    Floyd Thompson, Respondent, and
    Kikino Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order_No.204.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Gerald Ladouceur, Appellant, and
    Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Respondent, and
    Jerry Ladouceur - Affected Party, and
    Dawn Auger - Affected Party, and Metis Settlements Land Registry, Other Parties

  • Order_No.203.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Joseph D. Blyan (Land Trustee), Appellant and,
    Metis Settlements General Council, Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Rocky River Petroleum Ltd., Laverne J. Reid, and Marty E. Howse, Respondents, and
    Metis Settlements Land Registry, Other Party

  • Order_No.202.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Tanis Augier, Appellant and,
    Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Respondent and
    LeRoy W. Augier, Respondent and
    Metis Settlements General Council, Edwin Augier, Margaret Araujo, Duane Couteriell, and
    Metis Settlements Land Registry, Other Parties

  • Order_No.201.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Appellant and,
    Clifford Auger, Esther Auger, Solomon Richard Auger, Venice Rose Auger, Estate of Blair Kevin Auger, Estate of Gilbert Jermie Auger, Bella Halcrow, Lydia Halcrow, Roberta Halcrow, Lena Giroux, and East Prairie Metis Settlement, Respondents

  • Order_No.200.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Glenna Cunningham, Appellant and,
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order_No.199.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Judy Stuart, Appellant and,
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order_No.198.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Lorraine Anderson, Appellant and,
    Peavine Metis Settlement and Arrow Energy Ltd., Respondents

  • Order_No.197.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Marilyn Lamouche and Dave Lamouche Jr., Appellants and,
    Gift Lake Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order_No.196.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Eli Cunningham, Appellant and,
    Gift Lake Metis Settlement, Respondent


  • Order_No.195.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Lawrence Ladouceur, Appellant and,
    Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement,
    Alberta Energy Company Ltd., and
    Rocky River Petroleum Ltd., Respondents

  • Order_No.194.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Lawrence Ladouceur, Appellant and
    Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement,
    Alberta Energy Company Ltd., Rocky River Petroleum Ltd., and
    Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc., Respondents

  • Order_No.193.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Ed Parenteau and
    Tom Parenteau and Leo Parenteau and
    Paddle Prairie Metis Settlement, Ernestine Risdale,
    Ambrose Parenteau, Susie Parenteau Fischer

  • Order No. 192 Acrobat icon
    Between: Leslie G. Nooskey and Paddle Prairie Metis Settlement (Appellant) and Hewitt Oil (Alberta) Ltd., Metis Settlements General Council, Leslie G. Nooskey, Bobby (Robert) H. Ghostkeeper, Estate of Rosemary Wanuch, and
    Andrew Ducharme (Respondent)

  • Order_No.191.pdf Acrobat icon
    Between: Lisa Michelle Calliou, Clifford Calliou and
    Brian Taylor and
    Metis Setllements General Council,
    Fishing Lake Metis Settlement,
    Canadian Natural Resources Limited,
    Conoco Canada Resources Limited, and
    Husky Oil Operations Limited

  • Order No. 190 Acrobat icon
    Between: Ben Howse, Appellant and
    Kikino Metis Settlement Council & Ben Howse, Respondents

  • Order No. 189 Acrobat icon
    Between: Calvin L'Hirondelle, Appellant and
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent
    Arrow Energy Ltd., Respondent

  • Order No. 188 Acrobat icon
    Between: Glenna Cunningham
    Georgina Cunningham
    Albert Cunningham Jr., Appellants and
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order No. 187 Acrobat icon
    Between: Rose Marie Cunningham, Appellant and
    Archie Collins, Respondent
    Peavine Metis Settlement, Respondent

  • Order No. 186 Acrobat icon
    Between: Ben Hogenson, Appellant and
    Kikino Metis Settlement Council, Respondent

  • Order No. 185 Acrobat icon
    Between: David Delome, Appellant and
    Elaine Delorme, Respondent

  • Order No. 184 Acrobat icon
    Between: Esther Auger and
    East Prairie Métis Settlement and
    Métis Settlements Land Registry,

  • Order No. 183 Acrobat icon
    Between: Hector Deschamps, (Appellant)
    Métis Settlements General Council,
    Fishing Lake Metis Settlement,
    Crescent Point Resource Ltd,.
  • Order No. 182 Acrobat icon
    Between: Dean Howse, (Appellant)
    Métis Settlements General Council,
    Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement,
    Apache Canada Ltd. -and-
    Rocky River Petroleum Ltd. (Respondants)
    Yolanda Cardinal, William Robert Sinclair, Francis Joe Gladue,
    Russell Joseph Gordon, Clarence John Berard, Tanya Boudreau,
    Priscilla Howse, Pauline Charlene Joe, Lawrence James Ladouceur,
    Gloria H..Coles, Conoco Canada Ltd. -and- Alberta Energy Company Ltd.(Other Parties)
  • Order No. 181 Acrobat icon
    Between: Imperial Oil Resources Limited,
    Metis Settlements General Council,
    Fishing Lake Metis Settlement,
    Irene Calliou and
    Crescent Point Resources Ltd.

Decsions from 1991 - 2001 are available from MSAT by print or electronically. Please contact us at (780) 422-1541. Decisions are also viewable at Quicklaw.